Lu Shengzhong
LU Shengzhong (???) (Born 1952)
Born in 1952 in Shandong, Lu ShengZhong grew up
during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution. He joined the
army and tried various jobs before deciding to devote himself fully to
art. He then studied at Shandong Normal University and Central Academy
of Fine Arts in Beijing. For his first major exhibition held at China's
National Art Gallery in Beijing, Lu ShengZhong transformed the entire
gallery into a temple filled with brilliant panoply of cut-out paper
forms, which have become his major means of _expression henceforth.
The traditional technique of paper cutting, used
extensively in the folk art of China, opened the way for Lu ShengZhong
to give striking formal _expression to ideas of a philosophical and
religious nature. In his hands, the amazingly intricate cut paper
shapes are assembled to establish elaborate installations as well as a
series of wall-hangings that engage opposing forms in a lively
dialogue. "As I cut paper with my scissors and separate the shapes that
result from my activity, I am making a statement against the separation
of body and soul in contemporary thought. Summoning the detached forms
of the souls so that they can be reunited with their bodies, the
process echoes the juxtaposition of positive and negative forms or the
perfect coexistence of the curves of Yin and Yang." Said Lu ShengZhong, in explaining his magnum opus, Calling Soul.
Lu Shengzhong: First Encounter