Lin Yilin
LIN Yilin (?????) (Born 1964)
Born in 1964 in Guangzhou, China, Lin Yilin
graduated from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine
Arts in 1987. He formed the ??ig-Tail-Elephant Group?? (?????) with two
other artists, Chen Shaoxing and Liang Juhui, in 1991, and hence held
several exhibitions under the group?? name. He currently lives and
works in Guangzhou.
Lin Yilin is known for installation works made from
stacking bricks. Originally trained as a sculptor, he later became
interested in architecture and found brick walls an expressive means
through which to explore the relationship between sculpture and
architecture. He also utilizes other familiar objects found in daily
life, such as water and money, which are also essential to our
livelyhood and widely circulated in every community.
As a member of the Big-Tail-Elephant Group (meaning
an elephant with lots of expenses), a group pursuing problems related
to the rapid change in Chinese cities, Lin Yilin has examined the
complex relationship between human beings and architecture, the
materialization of the body, and the interaction between human beings
and nature. From Guangzhou, a city in a region of China that was
earliest exposed to the outside, Lin Yilin's works clearly reflect the
problems caused by the ongoing transformation of the large southern
cities, which highlights the conflict of commercial prosperity and the
resulting chaos and disorder.
(credit: CCAA 2000 catalogue, p.30)