The Electronic Media and Film Program (EMF) collection houses the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) application materials from individual artists. In this series, the total number of artist files is about over 900, and these files are mostly printed materials including grant applications, letters of agreement, work in progress reports, artist resumes, and correspondence.

Fig 1. B., Beth, Amnesia, 1994.
Promotional material related to the multi-media installation.

Fig 2. Roland Legiardi-Laura, Kristin Reed, and Richard Cross, Azul: the Poetry of Nicaragua, 1989.
Promotional material related to the documentary film.

Fig 3. Holly Fisher, Bullets for Breakfast, 1992.
Screening flyer by Downtown Community TV. Press packet for the premier at the Berlin International Film Festival.

Fig 4. Susan Raymond and Alan Raymond, The Police Tapes, 1993.
Film poster and biographies for Alan and Susan Raymond.

Fig 5. Meri Weingarten, Waking up to Rape, 1985.
Promotional material related to the premier screening at Hunter School of Social Work.