Linda Dement, Cyberflesh Girl Monster
The Goldsen Archive maintains an extensive collection of interactive artwork on CD/DVD-Rom. Further information about many of these holdings can be accessed on the online catalogue of the exhibition, Contact Zones: The Art of CD-Rom, which informed the founding vision of the Archive.
- Akerman, Chantal, A Family in Brussels
- Allen, Jan & Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Machine Life, 2004 (2004)
- Alvarez, Juliân, As de Bastos Tijeras en Cruz / Ace of Clubs, Scissors in a Cross , 1999 (1999)
- aND, mIEKAL, Literature Nation, nd (nd)
- Ardévol, Ålvaro, Poesias animada de ayer y hoy, nd (nd)
- Aspect: The Chronicle of New Media Art, Vol 1, Artists of the Boston Cyberarts Festival , 2003 (2003)
- Asscher, Carine, James Turrell: Passageways, 2006 (2006)
- Baranda, Maria, Lara Magali, and Grace Quintanilla, Un Solo Cauce
- Barbier, Annette, Drew Browning, Home Project, 2004 (2004)
- Barker, Michelle, Praeternatural: Digital Metaphors as a Platform for Biological Control in Genetics and Interactive Art in the 1990s, 2005 (2005)
- Beloff, Zoe, The Influencing Machine of Miss Natalija A.
- Bertolo, Diane, Over/Time, 2001-02, 2002 (2002)
- Biggs, Simon, Book of Shadows, 1996 (1996)
- Boissier, Moments de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Confessions et Rêveries
- Bovcon, Narvika and Vaupotic, Ales, Javornik
- Breder, Hans, The Nazi Loop, 1996 (1996)
- Cahen, Xavier, Exposition Sauvage, 1998-1999 (1998-1999)
- Calovski, Yane, and Nayia Frangouli, Realpolitik
- Camerawork, The Work of Art..., 1998 (1998)
- Casanova Seuma, Christina, Let’s Tell Lies (Vamos a contra mentiras), 1999 (1999)
- Centre Georges Pompidou, Revue Virtuelle: Actualité du virtuel/Actualizing the Virtual, 1996 (1996)
- Centre Pompidou, Sonic Process: Une nouvelle géographie des sons, 2002 (2002)
- Chen, Shen-Ching, Noise/Taiwan [in Chinese], 2000 (2000)
- Citron, Michelle, Mixed Greens: a do-it-yourself movie about identity, belonging, and what we desire, 2005 (2005)
- Colette, John, 30 Words for the City, 1994 (1994)
- Colorform (aka James Allen), Eleven Angles
- Computerfinearts (Doron Golan), Computerfinearts collection: netart collection and archive, 2007 (2007)
- De Jong, Constance & Oursler, Tony & Vitiello, Stephen, Fantastic Prayers
- Del Favero, Dennis, Hegedus, Agnes, Howard, Ian, Norrie, Susan, Shaw, Jeffrey, Weibel, Peter, ( . dis)LOCATIONS, 2001 (2001)
- Dement, Linda, Cyberflesh Girlmonster, 1995 (1995)
- Detev, Jordan, At the Dawn of European Civilization: the oldest temple of fertility, Muldava, 6200 years B.C., 2003 (2003)
- Ditta, Sue, ed., David Rokeby, 2004 (2004)
- DJ Spooky, No Accommodation. The Remix., 2003 (2003)
- Dove, Toni, Sally or The Bubble Burst, 2003 (2003)
- Drouhin, Reynald, Fragg, 2003 (2003)
- Du, Zhenjun, Collected Installations, 2005 (2005)
- Duguet, Anne-Marie, Déjouer l’image: creations électronique et numériques, 2002 (2002)
- Ekeh, Onomé, Lovemad, 2002 (2002)
- FineArt Forum, 15th Anniversary CD-Rom, 2002 (2002)
- FMOL Trio, Night in the Chapel, 2002 (2002)
- Forsythe, William, Improvisation Technologies, 2003 (2003)
- Freeman, John (Graig) and Gregory L. Ulmer, Imagine Place; The Broken Bridge, 2003 (2003)
- Frieling, Rudolph Herzogenrath, ed., 40YearsVideoAr.De--Part 1: Digital Heritage: Video Art in Germany From 1963 until the Present, 2006 (2006)
- Fujihata, Masaki, Color As A Concept, 1997 (1997)
- Furukawa, Kiyoshi, Masaki Fujihata, Wolfgang Münch, Small Fish, 1999 (1999)
- Gibson, Ross, and Kate Richards, Life After Wartime
- Gillman, Clive, Advent, 1997 (1997)
- Goldfarb, Brian, Ocular Convergence, 2000-2003 (2000-2003)
- Greyson, John and Wall, David, Fig Trees, 2003 (2003)
- Groupe Molior
- Guantanamo Now! Liberty and Justice for All, 2006 (2006)
- Halpern, Tal, Le Nouveau Western: An Interactive Fiction, 2005 (2005)
- Hamilton, Ann, The Body and the Object: Ann Hamilton 1984-1996, 1996 (1996)
- Herman-Peled, Horit, Hebron 99, 1999 (1999)
- Hershman Leeson, Lynn, The Art and Films of Lynn Hershman Leeson
- Hershman Leeson, Lynn, ed., Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture, 1996 (1996)
- Hill, Gary, Around & About: A Performative View, 2000-2001 (2000-2001)
- Holleley, Douglas, Bits of Paper, 1998 (1998)
- Horvath, Peter, Tenderly Yours, 2005 (2005)
- Huegli, Walter, and Martin Jaeggi, eds., Raw Music Material: Electronic Music DJs Today
- Iimura, Takahiko, Seeing/Hearing/Speaking
- Ikeda, Ryoji, Formula
- Initiatif Beeldende Kunsten-Visual Arts Inititiative, Roadmap to an Artscene: An Introduction to Artists from Flanders, Belgium
- Inoue, Hisako & Shibayama, Takurou, Kiminchi Installation: Stand by an Orange
- Jenik, Adriene, Mauve Desert
- Jones, Art, Culture vs. the Martians, 1998 (1998)
- Kahve Society & Middlesex University, Quack-project
- Kahve Society and STAR, Notes Toward the Complete Works of Shakespeare, 2002 (2002)
- Kärkkäinen, Aarre and Okkonen, Hilkka, Divine Comedy Digital, 1998 (1998)
- Kelly, Kevin, Am I a Natural History Museum?, 2001 (2001)
- Kouros, Panos, Pasiphili-pandektiki avli-epochesthe, 1998 (1998)
- Kramer, Roger, New ("art pics")
- Kuntzel, Thierry, Title TK: Notes 1974-1992 (Anarchive 3), 2006 (2006)
- LaBelle, Brandon, Site Specific Sound, 2004 (2004)
- Lafontaine, Marie-Jo, Installations videos/1979-1999, 1999 (1999)
- Lanfermeijer , Ruud, and Remko Van Dokkum, Chinese Whisper 3: An Interactive Performance at Studio Eickholt NYU August 28, 2002
- Lefebvre, Michel & Quintas, Eva, Liquidation, 2001 (2001)
- Legrady, George, An Anecdoted Archive from The Cold War, 1994 (1994)
- LTK Commune, Live: Spring Scream 1997
- Man, Calin, net.art_kit, 2002 (2002)
- Mandiberg, Michael and Amy Scatterthwaite, The Exchange Program
- Manovich, Lev, Little Movies, 1997 (1997)
- Marker, Chris, Immemory (English version), 1997 (1997)
- McPhee, Christina, Carris-Rockfield Diaries, 2004-2005 (2004-2005)
- Migone, Christof, Sound Voice Perform, 2005 (2005)
- Monash University Art and Design, When it Hit Me
- Mouchette, Poetry CD, 1998 (1998)
- MTAA, DC 911: The Evildoers' Remix
- Muntadas, Antoni, Media, Architecture, Installations
- Murray, Timothy and Teo Spiller, Off-line Net Art INFOS 2000, 2000 (2000)
- Neumark, Norie, Shock in the Ear, 1998 (1998)
- Nisbet, Nancy, Pop! Goes the Weasel, 2003 (2003)
- Nouvelles de Danse, Interagir avec les technologies numériques , 2004 (2004)
- Nouvelles de Danse: Interagir avec les technologies numériques, 2004 (2004)
- Nudelman, Mike, Fleeting Traces in Blank Spaces: Longer Version, 2007 (2007)
- Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Electric Leak—the North of It, 2003 (2003)
- Ouellette, Robert, Virtual Metropolis
- Padin, Clemente, The New Padin's Spam Trashes, 2002 (2002)
- Pagano, Scott, Phoenix Perry, et al, Reline
- Pardo, Jorge, Jorge Pardo, 2004 (2004)
- Parreno, Philippe and Sanders, Anna, The Boy from Mars, 2004 (2004)
- Pegelow, Per., Gating: In Eight Minutes around the World, 2005 (2005)
- Pinto, Regina Célia, Virtualidade Sabia (Sabia Virtuality), 2003 (2003)
- Pinto, Regina Célia, and Antonio, Jorge Luir, Lago Mar Algo/ Barco Chuva: uma experiência em Net.Poesia, 2001 (2001)
- Plokker, Borderland, 1998 (1998)
- Polli, Andrea, Queensbridge Wind Power
- Provencher, Louise & Tremblay, Richard Max, eds., Montréal Télégraphie: le son iconographe
- Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 3e biennale d’art contemporain de lyon, 1995 (1995)
- Richards, Kate, Bystander: documentation April 2006
- Rodney, Donald, Autoicon v1.0
- Sato, Minoru & Makiura, Noriko, eds., Amplitude of Chance: The Horizon of Occurrences, 2001 (2001)
- Scott, Jill, Coded Characters: Media Art by Jill Scott
- Shaw, Jeffrey, (dis)LOCATIONS, 2001 (2001)
- Snow, Michael, Digital Snow (Anarchive 2), 2002 (2002)
- Sodeoka, Yoshi, and Sean Rooney (KNBS), Noise Driven Ambient Audio and Visuals KNBSC505, 2006 (2006)
- Sorbelli, Alberto, Just from Cynthia, 1996 (1996)
- Tacha, Athena, The Human Body: An Invisible Ecosystem, 1996 (1996)
- Tamblyn, Christine, Archival Quality, 1998 (1998)
- Tashiro, Charles, Courier, 1999 (1999)
- Thiel, Tamiko and Houshmand, Zara, Beyond Manzanar, 2000-2002 (2000-2002)
- Thomas, David, The Encoded Eye, the Archive, and its Engine House, 1998-2000 (1998-2000)
- Thorington, Helen, Calling to Mind, 2005 (2005)
- Treister, Suzanne, Rosalind Brodsky, … No Other Symptoms: Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky, 1999 (1999)
- Van Vliet, Tom, 20. Worldwide Video Festival, 2003 (2003)
- Vanouse, Paul, Latent Figure Protocol, 2007 (2007)
- Vanouse, Paul, Millie Chen, Andrew Johnson, Warren Quigley, and 38 students of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, PED, Chongquing, 2006 (2006)
- Walicsky, Tamas, Focusing, 1998-1999 (1998-1999)
- Waterson, Sarah, and Kate Richards, sub_scapePROOF—a machinima
- Woolery, Reginald Cortez, World Wide Web / Million Man March, 1998 (1998)
- Zebington, Gary, Metabody: From Cyborg to Symborg, 1997 (1997)
- ZKM, Complete Artintact, 2002 (2002)